FREE! – EAL on demand training for ECTs
Are you an ECT or post ECT wanting to upskill your knowledge around supporting pupils who use EAL? We are working with the Bell Foundation, who are the leading providers of training and support for teachers around EAL and are designated as the South West’s Centre of Expertise. We run lots of online and in-person courses around high quality EAL – all at lost cost and some of which is free.

If you are an ECT, or near the beginning of your career, the Bell Foundation have put together a brilliant series of CPD that you can sign up to and do at your own pace.

The series is available via the Foundation’s Moodle platform.
Access the materials, self-register and enrol here.
If you already have a Moodle account, you will be able to enrol on the series directly from within Moodle. If you are new to Moodle, you will need to create a free account first.